
No place like home.

I'm back in body if not in spirit, well actually I'm not too sure about the body being back if I'm honest.Coming back from holiday is very abrupt I find, one minute you are on holiday the next minute boom, your into three weeks of dirty washing, sorting out mail, friends and relatives visiting with their news, (which is nice don't get me wrong).

Nice things on our travels today.

We are now in Southern Vermont, we have seen some lovely things on our travels and one funny thing! Even though he wasn't going to kill us we still didn't give him a lift! What's worse than hitching a lift? Someone taking a picture of you trying to hitch a lift.

Canterbury Shaker Museum.

Today was once more like a summers day, so we set off for the Canterbury shaker Museum in Canterbury New Hampshire New England USA.The houses and paint colours are amazing, and the whole place exudes calm and tranquility, sadly no shakers live there now and only four shakers exist in Maine.

Beacon Hill Boston

The first two pictures are of the Back Bay Hotel in Boston that used to be the local police station, it is also home to some rather nice sculptures.Mr B was more than happy today shopping in the 'Life is Good' store in Newbury Street Boston, even on a saturday Newbury Street is a calm wide paved beautiful place to stroll along and take in all the sights.