No place like home.

I'm back in body if not in spirit, well actually I'm not too sure about the body being back if I'm honest.Coming back from holiday is very abrupt I find, one minute you are on holiday the next minute boom, your into three weeks of dirty washing, sorting out mail, friends and relatives visiting with their news, (which is nice don't get me wrong). We were awake for 35 hours from leaving New England to going to bed, which I found, and am still finding hard to cope with. Am I the only one who finds airports and all the security very stressful? Why do you instantly feel like a criminal? Enough of the moaning, the holiday was amazing, and it's oh so nice to be home, eating from your own kitchen and sleeping in your own bed. The other morning was a beautiful frosty sunny morning, I would like all mornings to be like that from now on, or at least until we have snow, please we must have snow this year. I managed to take a few pictures of the frost once I located my camera, nothing has been sorted yet from our unpacking as we were launched straight back into work. So here they are, my first bit of nice back in the U.K.


  We bought some lights from Cable and Cotton some time ago, and just before we left for the USA they stopped working, so I bought new bulbs and ordered some new red spheres to update them in time for Christmas. They had arrived whilst we were away and will be featured in a blog very soon. They are so nice and can be used in all sorts of ways. Take a look at their website for something a bit different.
