
The camera's new home

My old camera has arrived at a very lovely place called Odle Farm near Honiton in Devon Erin who is 12 was taken along by her Mum on a  "Photography on 2 wheels" course, (book both for a nice relaxing week away). You know how it goes, you take your children along with you to keep you company on something you fancy having a go at, and they end up being far better at the task in hand than you! But that is how it's supposed to go right? My sons definitely know and have done far more than I probably ever will, so I've done my job as a Mum.

Winchester Twilight photography evening with Michael Palmer.

Yesterday I told you that Mr B would be going on a Michael Palmer Twilight photography evening, it was by all accounts a fun evening where you learnt quite a lot of new things.Here are a few of the photographs that were taken last night, some just looking around Winchester seeing what you liked the look of, others learning to take pictures in the dark and play with light. Plenty of new tricks and ideas to come home with and improve on in future picture taking.

Vintage everything and don't forget to look back!

I am drawn to old and faded it would seem in most things, including flowers!

In my last blog I was telling you to look up, now I'm telling you to look back, especially at the back of flowers and leaves, they can be just as spectacular as the front, sometimes even more so.