New web site

Our new web site is now up and running, it has taken far longer than we expected which accounts for some of the lack of blogs over the last few months.


I have learnt that taking professional photographs is not that easy!

We employed my son Sam Barclay to design the web site,  what's the point of having an award winning web designer if you can't pick his brains. He has very high standards and would not let us get away with anything half hearted, I'm pleased to stay we still remain friends!

Even though our web site has had a helping hand it is down to us to maintain it and provide all the photography.

There has been frustration and laughter, but on the whole we have learnt lots and hopefully will continue to do so.

Some of the things you can hope to see are beautiful memory quilts and testimonials from their new owners.


Along with memory cushions that are proving to be very popular


A shop selling one off quilts and cushions and some beautiful vintage recycled canvas bags


Beautiful photography, with an inspiring mood board


Take a look and let us know what you think.

A big thank you to all of those that those that have answered our many questions, especially Sam Barclay, we couldn't have done it without you.