Do you do stockings?

We have always done stockings, it's a family tradition, they have changed over the years and now tend to be filled with useful things like toiletries, a small supermarket voucher, and a number of other useful items.Now we are all older I'm not really into bits and pieces that are of no use, although a couple of fun throw away things are a must for this time of year. Our stockings vary from very old to very new, one has got lost recently so a replacement must be made or found. This years task of filling stockings was an easy one as nearly all the contents of the stockings are from our trip to the USA.


Our selection so far.


Some old. Do you remember Statler and Waldorf from the muppets that sat in the theatre box heckling? This is Mr B's stocking.


Some new. Our fairly recent Rosie addition.

Merry Christmas to you all, hope you have fun whatever your plans.
