Snow Please.


I've been busy working and decorating my Mum's apartment, therefore blogging has taken a bit of a back seat! I have decided that I hate sanding doors, but unfortunately I have quite a few in my own house that need doing, so I will have to hold onto that thought for a while.

Now if it was to snow lots and lots I would be marooned in my own house, so I could get on with said doors. I think snow is magical, so please Mr weather man do me a favour and let me get on with my painting, with the occasional five minutes to go outside and get some snow pictures. Or would that be the occasional five minutes of painting doors! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Snow love it or hate it?

Snowy Model AA Dump Truck
Snowy Model AA Dump Truck
Winning picture: December - Snow Man
Winning picture: December - Snow Man