Everything else

Vintage everything and don't forget to look back!

I am drawn to old and faded it would seem in most things, including flowers!

In my last blog I was telling you to look up, now I'm telling you to look back, especially at the back of flowers and leaves, they can be just as spectacular as the front, sometimes even more so.

The Packhouse and Look Up!

I confess to having been a few times before to The Packhouse in Surrey, this time I took a friend who hadn't visited before, she loved it and even bought some things for her new house that is just in her imagination at the moment! (Love it) I'm going to start that, I shall imagine a huge barn miles from anywhere, not sure where I will store stuff though, I have delusions of grandeur so if any of you have a store house I may be after some rental space!Now I'm sorry about this but in all the excitement I forgot to take many pictures, but the web site will give you a good idea of the treat in store.

A catch up weekend.

This weekend has been a catch up weekend, which is good as the weather is STILL pretty lousy.We have emptied the loft of my Son's stored belongings as he and his girlfriend move from Winchester to London next weekend. Because we don't have to help move them (horrrrraaaaahhhhhhhh!) we washed all linens and clothes and ironed them. We are good like that, but in reality it is just our way of helping, which as I've mentioned is infinitely better than driving a lorry to the centre of London.

The kitchen is finished and a special offer for you.

I love wall stickers, my favourite ones are word phrases, check out this one newly installed in my kitchen. If you like this sort of thing then I have a treat for you, you can get 10% off your order. All you have to do is click here choose your wall sticker, then give the very lovely and super efficient people at deluxe wall stickers a call on 0121 3733047 mention the Karen Barclay blog and place your order (please do not place it on ebay the offer only stands if you ring them) They are open monday-friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Do you remember my other wall sticker? Our new baby! I feel a cake coming on or a scrummy loaf of sour dough bread!

Choosing a paint.

When you decorate do you find choosing a paint colour and a make of paint hard work? For years now I have only used certain paints, I prefer the ones that use natural ingredients such as chalk, lime putty and china clay, this normally is associated with using high quality pigments and resins which gives greater depth and purity to the paint.

The pictures have a home.

Do you remember my blog some time ago about some cards I had collected, well they have finally found their new home. First of all I showed you the old cloakroom  then I showed you it about a third finished and now here it is completely finished. I struggled taking pictures in such a small room and am not entirely happy with the finished pictures, however you can't start something and not finish it so here it is.