
The pictures have a home.

Do you remember my blog some time ago about some cards I had collected, well they have finally found their new home. First of all I showed you the old cloakroom  then I showed you it about a third finished and now here it is completely finished. I struggled taking pictures in such a small room and am not entirely happy with the finished pictures, however you can't start something and not finish it so here it is.

What to dress a cloakroom window with?

Take two H&M Linen table runners and sew curtain tape to the long length of one for the valence, screw a batten of wood above the window and pin the table runner with no curtain tape on it to the batten, then pin the valance over the top of that, tie back the curtain with a slate heart and some string. Add a few of your favourite things to the windowsill and there its all dressed. EASY!

I've framed them all.

I have at last framed all my cards that were in a recent blog do you think I can fit this many in a very tiny downstairs cloakroom? Watch this space. Take note of the 'Happy' picture it was printed by a very talented company called 'A two pipe problem' visit their website if you love all things graphic, the Hambledon in Winchester sells their goods if you live on the south coast.

New Cloakroom

Don't be fooled by the title of this post, I am getting a new cloakroom it's true, this time next friday all will be started, floor removed along with old toilet and sink and yukky pipes. However I thought it would be boring to just show you the new shiny cloakroom so here in all its ugliness is the old revolting cloakroom minus everything that was crammed in there. It's not the biggest cloakroom you have ever seen but I bet it's one of the ugliest!