
A bit of nice on a wet and frustraiting friday

Today I am mostly building a new web site for my quilts, I say today, it has been going on for weeks. The difference with today is that I am determined to get it sorted and will not leave my seat until I have, this may involve loss of hair and lots of not nice words being hurled around, it's a good job I only have my cat Treacle for company.

Summer was here briefly today!

This afternoon summer appeared in my garden very briefly, everywhere looks very green and lush after all the rain, my Bee houses are weathering nicely as are my frogs! A certain furry creature was busy looking for birds, frogs or really anything she could catch.

My weekend.

Not an especially thrilling weekend but very productive, we cleared out the loft for the umpteenth time, except this time I mean seriously cleared it out!Photographs were culled, we decided that our two son's would not want a whole load of photographs of hills in the Lake District when we died (not that we are expecting to do this anytime soon!) so we have ended up with a box each of photographs for them to have to remind them of their childhood years.