
Autumn has arrived.

Autumn has arrived in our home and garden, it is my favourite time of year. Beautiful colours, amazing food, nice walks, cosy evenings, pumpkins and squashes (not just for halloween),  and if you are really lucky a trip to New England for the fall.

I'm all for five day weekends.

I love weekends, especially the ones where you have done everything during the week, all that is left to do is have a nice time for two days.This weekend was one of those, we had my youngest son and his girlfriend visit, we saw nice things, ate nice things, enjoyed each others company, and we managed to fit in the all important relaxing doing nothing. However I feel all that was lacking was three more days.

No place like home.

I'm back in body if not in spirit, well actually I'm not too sure about the body being back if I'm honest.Coming back from holiday is very abrupt I find, one minute you are on holiday the next minute boom, your into three weeks of dirty washing, sorting out mail, friends and relatives visiting with their news, (which is nice don't get me wrong).


I dont know about you but I'm getting in the Autumn mood, so I thought just to get you into the mood I would show you some of my old photographs of my past Autumn/Fall trips to New England. I apologise for the quality of the photographs, but still thought they were worth looking at.

My friend Julie, a brand new Mini and a barking dog called Lottie!

Let me introduce you to my friend Julie, we worked together many years ago and have remained friends, we have similar interests and have a bit of a passion going on for starting up a business, so if anyone out there has a spare barn in a good location and a money tree let us know please! She is also a fantastic cake maker and cook, more about that on monday.


Firstly, I apologise for not sending out many blogs lately. I have been silly busy, and as some of you know I am self employed. Being self employed is a good thing but lunch hours, tea breaks and days off sick just don't exist, and if you are a bit of a maniac like me, occasionally you burn yourself out!

Graham Thomas

I have been appreciating roses in other peoples gardens over the last few days, they seem more special at this time of year, probably because I know that this is the last we will see of them until June 2013.This rose called Graham Thomas is a David Austin Rose, Graham Stuart Thomas OBE (3 April 1909 – 16 April 2003), was an English horticulturalist, artist, author, poet and garden designer.

Two thing to do this weekend.

As we head into what I think are the four busiest months I think it's important to take more care of yourself. For some it's the back to school rush (thankfully for me those days are over), for others it's a time to clear up house and garden before the cold dark nights start to arrive, we rush around trying to pack the same into less daylight hours and generally wear ourselves out.

Last of the summer roses, and a bit of America.

I'm enjoying the last of my summer roses, these ones are called Heritage by David Austin. They have been very good this year, they flower twice, once at the begining of June and again at the end of August, I must have had about 300 blooms altogether, they obviously like lots of rain and not too much heat, which is exactly what our summer has consisted of this year, so I guess there is always a bright side to most things!


Yes the sun has appeared and it's lovely and warm, I am normally the first one out enjoying the sunshine, the first one to be out in the garden working away.This year from as early on as March I didn't really seem to get the gardening bug, maybe I knew what rubbish weather we were going to have in the U.K, maybe I am looking forward to October and my New England holiday, maybe it's because my favourite season is Autumn.