Two thing to do this weekend.

As we head into what I think are the four busiest months I think it's important to take more care of yourself. For some it's the back to school rush (thankfully for me those days are over), for others it's a time to clear up house and garden before the cold dark nights start to arrive, we rush around trying to pack the same into less daylight hours and generally wear ourselves out.Don't get me wrong, September October November and December are my four favourite months, I love all the Autumn colours, the Pumpkins and the Apples and all those blackberries just waiting to be picked for free. I love frosty days and the anticipation of Christmas which allows you to put as many twinkly lights into your house as you want! I pull out my stash of cosy quilts and look forward to good T.V curled up in a quilt with my Brandy Coffee! So here are two things I intend to do at least once a day.


Make a nice Smoothie or Juice from fresh ingredients, todays is Apple Clenser, 2 Apples, 1 stick of celery, half a cucumber and half a beetroot. It tastes suprisingly good, and remember if you dont like it 10 gulps and its gone, you can feel healthy within seconds.


My second thing is to take at least 30 minutes to find somewhere nice to sit and read a book, do a crossword, or whatever takes your mind away from day to day life. If you can't find 30 minutes (or longer) in your day to do something calming then something is seriously wrong. You will feel so much better for it and what's more you deserve it. My time is usually right at the end of the day, candles, twinkly lights, a book and a nice drink. Perfect.