Everything else

I blame the rain!

This was how my day started, at work by 6.30am finish by 12.30, then gardening was on the agenda. I am so far behind with gardening due to the rain. Yesterday, as you can see from my previous blog, was like summer so to be hurled straight back into a damp dull day is not funny, still nothing you can

Summer was here briefly today!

This afternoon summer appeared in my garden very briefly, everywhere looks very green and lush after all the rain, my Bee houses are weathering nicely as are my frogs! A certain furry creature was busy looking for birds, frogs or really anything she could catch.

What to dress a cloakroom window with?

Take two H&M Linen table runners and sew curtain tape to the long length of one for the valence, screw a batten of wood above the window and pin the table runner with no curtain tape on it to the batten, then pin the valance over the top of that, tie back the curtain with a slate heart and some string. Add a few of your favourite things to the windowsill and there its all dressed. EASY!

I've framed them all.

I have at last framed all my cards that were in a recent blog do you think I can fit this many in a very tiny downstairs cloakroom? Watch this space. Take note of the 'Happy' picture it was printed by a very talented company called 'A two pipe problem' visit their website if you love all things graphic, the Hambledon in Winchester sells their goods if you live on the south coast.

New Cloakroom

Don't be fooled by the title of this post, I am getting a new cloakroom it's true, this time next friday all will be started, floor removed along with old toilet and sink and yukky pipes. However I thought it would be boring to just show you the new shiny cloakroom so here in all its ugliness is the old revolting cloakroom minus everything that was crammed in there. It's not the biggest cloakroom you have ever seen but I bet it's one of the ugliest!

What to grow?

Sitting here today in my Conservatory listening to yet more hail beating down on the glass roof I am looking out onto the garden and thinking what sort of food might be growing out there this summer.I have been known to go a bit overboard with seeds, I don't own the acres of ground that I imagine in my head, however this year I have grown absolutely nothing!

Three nice things about blogging.

Today I am reaping the rewards of being a Blogger, by complete chance I sold something on e-bay and a message was sent to me from the buyer saying could she pick up the item, and by the way she was a quilter (my e-bay name has a quilting reference). I replied and arranged a time to pick up the item and mentioned my blog as my quilts were on there and I thought she may be interested to have a look.

My weekend.

Not an especially thrilling weekend but very productive, we cleared out the loft for the umpteenth time, except this time I mean seriously cleared it out!Photographs were culled, we decided that our two son's would not want a whole load of photographs of hills in the Lake District when we died (not that we are expecting to do this anytime soon!) so we have ended up with a box each of photographs for them to have to remind them of their childhood years.


Over the years I have made many quilts. I was originally inspired by the New England Folk Art look, and 99% of my materials are American as I love all the earthy colours that you don't seem to get in English materials. The soft flannel material is my favourite, it's very cosy. My quilts are made to be used not to be put on show and not touched, my son's had them (and still do), when they were smaller they watched TV wrapped up in them, pulled them around them for comfort when they were ill, and they have taken them with them to their new homes.