Three nice things about blogging.

Today I am reaping the rewards of being a Blogger, by complete chance I sold something on e-bay and a message was sent to me from the buyer saying could she pick up the item, and by the way she was a quilter (my e-bay name has a quilting reference). I replied and arranged a time to pick up the item and mentioned my blog as my quilts were on there and I thought she may be interested to have a look. Gill appeared and was lovely, she liked the blog and enjoyed reading it. It was a pleasure to meet someone so full of passion about lots of different things, I hope when I am a grandmother (not yet boy's!) that I am as enthusiastic and quirky as Gill. Her grandchildren should feel very privileged. If you are reading this Gill I hope you become a frequent visitor to my blog, I would very much enjoy that, and could maybe include some of the wonderful things you told me about. Great excitement when I received a comment on my post about quilts from Lisa of Celebrate Creativity in all its Forms from America, she said

"I can never get enough of great looking quilts. Yours are wonderful. Great fabrics and so comfy looking. Nice photos too.

Pleasure to stop by and browse around."

you can visit her amazing blog by clicking on this link

You will find no end of excellent things to read about, the pictures are wonderful and if my blog becomes this good in the future I will be one happy person.

Lastly I had a lovely comment on (aka) design, another amazing blog in Canada, most Friday's they have a link party and you can send one of your blogs for them to look at, if you are chosen it goes on the aka design blog. I was chosen as one of their favourite three! Take a look by clicking here  also click on this link anytime to view their latest blog.

So there you go, I'm getting there, the more people I reach out to with like minded tastes the more we all get to see, so if you have any friends that you think may enjoy my blog feel free to pass it on, It's an amazing way to find out about all sorts of wonderful things, and I don't know about you but I feel all the better for a bit of nice in my daily life.


Talking of nice this is a picture of me (well the back of me, my best bit!) in The Inns at Mill Falls Meredith New Hampshire. So So nice, the place not me, although I am fairly nice mostly!