
What was it?

Some of you by now will know what I like and what my tastes are from previous blogs. I have been bombarded with all things Easter on my travels just lately, which largely seems to have consisted of pale sugary colours, something which for me, no matter how hard I try I just can't do, so when I found this beautiful time warn container I new that I would be able to do my own personal take on Easter.

Easter, Chocolate, Plans, and a bit of a quiz.

It's nearly Easter, I plan to eat chocolate for breakfast, help a certain person make cakes for a baby shower, clear out the loft mmmmmm nice! eat chocolate for dinner, have friends and relatives around for Easter lunch, eat chocolate, sleep, read, take photographs, oh and eat chocolate.

Unexpected weekend

Don't you just love it when something unexpected and nice happens, if you are like me you lead a busy life, you work (even if you are at home) life gets a bit sucked down a big hole and you forget to notice the small everyday things that are just as lovely as the big exciting things. You get snitty with your partner because at the end of the day you are tired, (don't you love that word 'snitty") this is what my husband sometimes say's I am, which is not so good!

Anyway to get back to the nice unexpected things, we are off to Odle Farm for a long weekend, not planned at all, we will walk, talk, eat, have nice coffee, take pictures providing I can get the hang of my new camera, visit some galleries in Honiton, drool at the lexington goodies in the Peter Betteridge shop, visit Lyme Regis and the lovely Town Mill Bakery, see our friends at Odle Farm, it's been a long time, watch the shooting stars whilst sitting in the hot tub, and I will not be snitty!

Have a good weekend whatever you do, I will be back on Monday with hopefully some new pictures and places that might tempt you.

A gorgeous Lexington video for you to drool over, enjoy. Especially for my friend Dave B, check out all those cushions!

Enjoy my house Tom and Rosie, you deserve the rest.


Two things.

Today I had a session at the Osteopath, it hurt lots, I felt sorry for myself so I bought my self some flowers, they don't make my body feel any better but they are nice to look at. I need a job that pays good money, doesn't involve too much physical exertion, but is interesting and arty, suggestions on a postcard please, or even better offers on a postcard please. Secondly I would like to go and eat at this tree house restaurant , Tom they don't have a video so get yourself to New Zealand quick smart! They need you.

Arundel, some light up balls, and a nice bit of filming!

Just came back from Arundel in West Sussex, a beautiful sunny day in the end with lots of nice things to see, I've included just a few pictures in this blog for you to look at, I may have been more informative but I don't think my flu has completely gone so pictures will have to do I'm afraid, apart from a quick mention for Pallant an excellent Deli, well worth a visit.

More about West Dean Gardens

Due to a certain Flu bug I haven't been anywhere or seen anything that exciting, however I was sorting through some of my photographs and came upon more pictures of West Dean Gardens near Chichester, West Sussex. So here they are, as I said in my last post everything is done to a very high standard, so it is well worth a visit.

Something to look forward to.

We have full blown flu, it's not clever and it's not funny! Apart from anything else we were supposed to take my 90 year old Mum to see Anton and Erin of Strictly Come Dancing fame last night. It was her Christmas present, however she did get to go and was still really excited about it all this morning, so I guess she enjoyed herself.

The Cake, and Indian Runner Duck clip.

Quite a few of you have asked me for the cake recipe in  mondays blog, called Spiced Apple Cake. As you know we are all going to be snowed in this weekend (I wish!) so you all need to bake one for emergency supplies, or two or three! Obviously if it doesn't snow you can eat all of the cake as a kind of conciliation prize!