Arundel, some light up balls, and a nice bit of filming!

Just came back from Arundel in West Sussex, a beautiful sunny day in the end with lots of nice things to see, I've included just a few pictures in this blog for you to look at, I may have been more informative but I don't think my flu has completely gone so pictures will have to do I'm afraid, apart from a quick mention for Pallant an excellent Deli, well worth a visit. Whilst we were out Mr B found some light up balls, he liked them so he bought them, very unusual for him, but very nice.

Mr B  (him again) pointed out an amazing piece of filming this morning, It all takes place in under four minutes, captivating to watch, I love the puddle and the glass tipping over, if only we could see things in slow motion sometimes.

Have a good weekend, I'm off to recover, Monday's blog will be so exciting, well for me anyway, make sure to come back to see my new best friend!