
Three nice things today.

I have been doing more excercise lately as I have a trapped nerve in my back, my theory is that if I do more excersize every day and eat healthily, fruit veg etc, then I have tried to help myself. If that doesn't work I shall have to go to plan B, problem is I haven't worked out what plan B is yet and actually hope I don't have to.

Goodbye Olympics I've enjoyed watching you.

I confess I didn't know what to think about the U.K hosting the Olympics, we sometimes don't get things quite right, but congratulations to everyone involved it has been excellent, and if you have unexpectedly been like myself getting hooked on the media coverage, you may get more done when it is finished! I have had the T.V on most of the time when I have been home and have from time to time been sat on the edge of my seat shouting at the T.V!


Yes the sun has appeared and it's lovely and warm, I am normally the first one out enjoying the sunshine, the first one to be out in the garden working away.This year from as early on as March I didn't really seem to get the gardening bug, maybe I knew what rubbish weather we were going to have in the U.K, maybe I am looking forward to October and my New England holiday, maybe it's because my favourite season is Autumn.

Industrial furniture.

I'm trying not to think about a perfect cupboard I found at the weekend, (funds is the only thing stopping me from having it in my house!) However, I found this excellent industrial postman cabinet on the internet, isn't it an amazing colour and look at all those drawers you could fill!I would have no trouble filling every single drawer with sewing supplies, pens, pencils, all sorts of art materials and various other useful items (to me anyway!).

Two must have books.

I have two must have books to show you even if you don't intend to go to London or New York.They both have the same format and are both made from beautiful card stock paper. They are inspirational for design purposes and highly inspiring. I'm sure after looking at them you will want to go visit these two amazing cities. Don't expect the usual tourist places to visit, more like beautiful hidden gems.

Two book recommendations.

I came across a review of a store called Bailey's, it was by Mary Portas in the Saturday Telegraph, she gave it 9 out of 10 which is high praise indeed.I haven't been to the store but it is definitely on my to do list.

Docton Mill and other things.

The Barn Owl is getting clever, it leaps out of the Dovecott and flies off making it impossible for me to take pictures, unless of course he stands on top of the Dovecott in the pitch black (in these parts of Devon I mean pitch black, the sky is like a planatarium at night, very beautiful) hence the not great picture of him taken with a flash, but you get the gist!

For sale a large amount of vintage watering cans!

That's it I'm selling them, I don't need them anymore, all they do is hold rain water, lots and lots and lots of it! Can't see me needing them again until October when we will probably be basking in 102 degrees!Anyone else bemused by the weather in the U.K this year?

It's nearly the weekend lets eat cake.

The weekend fast approaches and just incase it rains AGAIN lets cook Lime and Blueberry drizzle dream cake, then we can console ourselves with a huge slice of cake and a nice cup of New England coffee!

More from Petersham nurseries.

Due to popular demand I am showing you the rest of my photographs from Petersham nurseries, I don't really think they need any explanation, just grab a coffee and something nice to eat and sit and drool over such gorgeousness!

The camera's new home

My old camera has arrived at a very lovely place called Odle Farm near Honiton in Devon Erin who is 12 was taken along by her Mum on a  "Photography on 2 wheels" course, (book both for a nice relaxing week away). You know how it goes, you take your children along with you to keep you company on something you fancy having a go at, and they end up being far better at the task in hand than you! But that is how it's supposed to go right? My sons definitely know and have done far more than I probably ever will, so I've done my job as a Mum.

Are you a hoarder?

I'm not a hoarder, if I don't use something off it goes. Sometimes this has been a big mistake, but in this case I don't think it is.My lovely little old camera that had served me well for years has gone on a journey, I loved the feel of it, have to confess I missed it when my new complicated camera arrived, but I decided that when the time was right I would give it up, not much use just sitting in a drawer.

Winchester Twilight photography evening with Michael Palmer.

Yesterday I told you that Mr B would be going on a Michael Palmer Twilight photography evening, it was by all accounts a fun evening where you learnt quite a lot of new things.Here are a few of the photographs that were taken last night, some just looking around Winchester seeing what you liked the look of, others learning to take pictures in the dark and play with light. Plenty of new tricks and ideas to come home with and improve on in future picture taking.

Vintage everything and don't forget to look back!

I am drawn to old and faded it would seem in most things, including flowers!

In my last blog I was telling you to look up, now I'm telling you to look back, especially at the back of flowers and leaves, they can be just as spectacular as the front, sometimes even more so.

A catch up weekend.

This weekend has been a catch up weekend, which is good as the weather is STILL pretty lousy.We have emptied the loft of my Son's stored belongings as he and his girlfriend move from Winchester to London next weekend. Because we don't have to help move them (horrrrraaaaahhhhhhhh!) we washed all linens and clothes and ironed them. We are good like that, but in reality it is just our way of helping, which as I've mentioned is infinitely better than driving a lorry to the centre of London.