
Arundel, some light up balls, and a nice bit of filming!

Just came back from Arundel in West Sussex, a beautiful sunny day in the end with lots of nice things to see, I've included just a few pictures in this blog for you to look at, I may have been more informative but I don't think my flu has completely gone so pictures will have to do I'm afraid, apart from a quick mention for Pallant an excellent Deli, well worth a visit.

More about West Dean Gardens

Due to a certain Flu bug I haven't been anywhere or seen anything that exciting, however I was sorting through some of my photographs and came upon more pictures of West Dean Gardens near Chichester, West Sussex. So here they are, as I said in my last post everything is done to a very high standard, so it is well worth a visit.

Something to look forward to.

We have full blown flu, it's not clever and it's not funny! Apart from anything else we were supposed to take my 90 year old Mum to see Anton and Erin of Strictly Come Dancing fame last night. It was her Christmas present, however she did get to go and was still really excited about it all this morning, so I guess she enjoyed herself.

This is definitely my kind of interior.

I found this house today whilst searching for a way to improve my house.  It belonged to Nancy Fishelson, she is a restorer of houses, and is amazing at turning an old house, sympathetically, into a comfortable modern home. The house is a 1795 clapboard house on 20 acres in Woodbury, Connecticut, New England. This is the house in it's original form.

Was it warmer outside than in today? Plus music that I love today.

 had no heating all day today, then the nice gas men came and gave me my warmth back. I wasn't home for long really but I swear it was warmer outside than in. I cleaned to keep warm, I cooked to keep warm, I ironed to keep warm. Then I wrapped myself up in various quilts and found this nice place to stay in Arundel. Any longer without heating and I would have booked myself in! I may do that one day anyway, what do you think, it has a wood burnerVisit Benjamin Cottage to see inside.

Do you like Sculpture's?

A trip to a sculpture park makes a great day out and gives lots of photo opportunities. Some of my favourite places to visit are the Cass sculpture parkBroomhill sculpture park,Hannah Peschar,The Sculpture Park in Surrey,  Fresh air sculpture in Glos. Anywhere that Phillip Jackson is exhibiting, and anything that my son Sam has sculpted,the paper boots are his work.