Everything else


t's dead, no a, no nothing, I can see who is calling me,texting me, e-mailing me, but can't get to any of them to pick them up! The nice man at Vodafone said "you can change your contract in 10 days time, until then we can't do anything, have a nice day, goodbye" that was after being cut off twice. Any way how does 'we cant do anything' and 'have a nice day' go together might I ask. S

More about West Dean Gardens

Due to a certain Flu bug I haven't been anywhere or seen anything that exciting, however I was sorting through some of my photographs and came upon more pictures of West Dean Gardens near Chichester, West Sussex. So here they are, as I said in my last post everything is done to a very high standard, so it is well worth a visit.

Something to look forward to.

We have full blown flu, it's not clever and it's not funny! Apart from anything else we were supposed to take my 90 year old Mum to see Anton and Erin of Strictly Come Dancing fame last night. It was her Christmas present, however she did get to go and was still really excited about it all this morning, so I guess she enjoyed herself.

This is definitely my kind of interior.

I found this house today whilst searching for a way to improve my house.  It belonged to Nancy Fishelson, she is a restorer of houses, and is amazing at turning an old house, sympathetically, into a comfortable modern home. The house is a 1795 clapboard house on 20 acres in Woodbury, Connecticut, New England. This is the house in it's original form.

Was it warmer outside than in today? Plus music that I love today.

 had no heating all day today, then the nice gas men came and gave me my warmth back. I wasn't home for long really but I swear it was warmer outside than in. I cleaned to keep warm, I cooked to keep warm, I ironed to keep warm. Then I wrapped myself up in various quilts and found this nice place to stay in Arundel. Any longer without heating and I would have booked myself in! I may do that one day anyway, what do you think, it has a wood burnerVisit Benjamin Cottage to see inside.

Have you ever been so tired?

About an hour ago I sat  (ok I lay flat out) on the sofa, my intention was to write a spectacular blog with lots of nice things to please the senses, mainly the eye. In reality I fell asleep, it was one of those wonderful sleeps where you kind of know you are asleep and you dream all lovely things. I was warm (last night our heating broke) so that in itself was wonderful, but I was in the most amazing place relaxing. I'll try and show you my dream as best I can.

Everywhere is awash with pink and red.

Valentines day is only a week away. Some say it's too commercial, some people are only happy with the most enormous bunch of very expensive red roses. My real problem with Valentines day looming is the fact that all sorts of places, from the local corner shop to the Post office on the High Street are awash with pink and red! Who decided that those two colours are pleasing on the eye? So to try to balance things out a bit I've found some more tasteful alternatives. Especially take a good look at the bouquets of flowers, not a red rose in sight, aghhhhhhhhhhhhh!  It's just a personal thing.

Cushions, how many do you have?

I am a self confessed cushion collector, in my opinion you just cant have enough! Every chair needs one, all beds need as many as you can possibly stack onto them, and the Sofa well, do you really need to sit on it? My favourites come from LexingtonH&M home, Shops in New EnglandWarren KimbleBetsy Jarvis, The Country Carriage and me.