I've found my perfect week!

It's been a busy week, I've worked, I've blogged and learnt new things about blogging, I hope you can see the improvements, there will be more to come. I've bought another new cushion, because as you know I don't quite have enough.

I've done the usual boring old supermarket shop, pretty soulless places with very few things that excite me. Give me a deli or an independent well run bakers, butchers, greengrocers any day of the week, but sometimes time doesn't allow for such nice things. However today in my local supermarket, there it was, a real live Robin in all its glory perched on the top shelf, sitting on a Frey Bentos tinned pie. I'm cross as I didn't have my camera, and by the time I got my phone out it had flown to look along a new isle! Apparently it had been shopping all day, I hope it finds it's way out, but manages to sample the bread counter before it leaves. Managers were muttering about Health and Safety. Oh please, give me a Robin in a supermarket any day of the week, it made my day! (Apart from the missed photo opportunity)

I hope you all watched Raymond Blanc's Hungry Frenchman on Thursday on BBC2, he is my best celebrity chef ever. Just to watch the programme to see his mother is a real treat, listen out for the part where he describes her as a wrinkly apple, but don't worry even at 90 she is feisty enough to get her own back! I love his sense of humour and his extraordinary  passion. For me personally there were so many opportunities to take amazing pictures from the places he visited. Check out the cheese cathedral and the smoke house, just fantastic, I love it when people do things so well.

I have found two places that would be my perfect weeks holiday. The Duke of Portland Boathouse  is just my idea of heaven for a holiday.


Another place I would love love love to stay at is Moorland view Cottage, fantastic interiors, and great attention to detail, with everything extremely well thought out, to make your stay perfect in every way.


Keep warm this weekend, go out for a walk in this amazing beautiful weather, then come back and eat that cake and drink hot chocolate, maybe with a splash of Brandy in it! YUM