Cooking for a baby shower.

After saying on yesterdays blog that I didn't do sugary colours today I have spent my entire day with just that!We baked for a baby shower to be held on Saturday, I discovered that a lot of icing sugar and butter makes me feel decidedly ill to say the least, however we are pleased with our end results but I don't want to see any more icing sugar this side of Christmas!


Easter Rabbit cupcakes, Rosie's icing is all smooth, mine is all rough, do you think you can tell a lot about a person from their icing?


We hope the real baby doesn't end up looking like this!


Our bargain cake stand from Asda £5.50 marked down to £3.00


Rocky Road from the Avoca Tea Time cookery book, if you haven't come across Avoca before it is an Irish company which not only does scrumptious cookery books but wonderful things for the home and clothes as well. If you are ever in Dublin visit the Avoca store and Cafe for a real treat. Click here to read a Mary Portas review on Avoca Dublin, she gave it 9 out of 10, high praise indeed.


Now this is the part that went horribly wrong and I felt ill! If you melt Mars Bars (can't even believe I said melt and Mars Bars in the same sentence!) don't do it in a microwave! This is the wonderful sight that greets your eyes, we didn't put the metal pan in the microwave, we poured the lovely looking mixture into the pan and thought we might be able to save it on the stove! mmmmmmmmm maybe not.


After a hasty retreat to the shop for yet more Mars Bars all was well in the end. Avoca Mars Bar biscuits is the end result. Apparently I am told that people in the Dublin Avoca store go mad for them. I'm just off to get a glass of Orange juice and an apple, that's after I've cleaned up the mountain of icing sugar that has covered the kitchen and the floor, and the dishwasher has been emptied for the 10th time! I told you in the last blog that Cooking is not my best asset, but i'm sure the sweet treats will be appreciated tomorrow.


Avoca Mars Bar biscuits

Makes about 16 200g butter 6 x 65g Mars Bars 200g Rice Crispies 250g milk chocolate Cut the butter and Mars Bars into small chunks and place in a saucepan. Place over a low heat and stir until melted, taking care not to let it burn. Combine the Mars Bar mixture with the Rice Crispies in a bowl and mix well. Put into a lined 30x 20x5cm tin and press down with the palm of your hand until firm. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Pour over the contents of the tin, spread evenly with a palette knife and leave to set. When firm, turn out on to a board and cut into squares.

Avoca Rocky Road

480 g milk choc 100g digestives 80g marshmallows, cut in half 80g shelled hazelnuts, skinned and toasted

Line a Swiss-roll tin, put in broken biscuits and dot half the marshmallows and all the hazelnuts around them. Then pour in melted choc and dot remaining marshmallows over top. Leave to set in the fridge and then when firm cut into small squares.

We used the Humming Bird vanilla cup cake recipe, click here for the contents.