Bicycle bells at the Hannah Peschar Sculpture garden

This saturday was a catch up day with my two sons and Rosie, Tom's girlfriend. We decided to go to the Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden in the Surrey Hills district. I have been before a few times and just love it.

I am going to share with you one thing from it every day this coming week, I don't want to overload you with everything in one go. So here is an excerpt from this stunning Bicycle Bells installation from the Hannah Peschar web site.

Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden, Ronald van der Meijs' 'Sound Architect 5' can be found sprawling over the moss under the shady Oak trees. 5,000 stainless steel bicycle bells have been meticulously placed in such a way that they form one huge mass that seems to crawl across the site like some enormous deep sea creature. The gently undulating waves across the piece play with the dappled light through the trees, and in a strong breeze the gentle 'ding' of the bells can be heard.

The artist creates his installations without a plan - allowing nature to control the flow as he works. He purposefully chose an Oak Tree to start, as in the autumn time the acorns will fall creating music with the piece. Whilst the piece is part of the 'Sound Architect' series, one must be lucky to hear a sound produced. Acceptance of chance plays an important role in this work. As one might expect from his choice of materials, Ronald van der Meijs is proudly from Holland and was inspired to create these magnificent installations after something fell on his own bicycle bell whilst resting under a tree.


The bicycle bells can be seen from this beautiful house in the grounds of the garden.


The sound of the bells was also fantastic whilst they were swaying in the breeze.

Another sculpture in tomorrows blog.