
Hi, it's been a long time since I blogged, I don't really know why, the time just seems to disappear. Maybe it's the long evenings when you try to get as much done as possible, or you just sit in your garden enjoying the summer.

I've done lots, so all new blogs coming up. I am also starting a new blog page connected to my quilt website, these blogs will be all things quilt related so be sure to drop by.

I find August a funny month, we don't usually go away as its too busy and we don't have small children, so although I like August, I kind of always look forward to September. September for me is cooler day's wth hopefully blue sky's, autumn leaves, pumpkins, and a long awaited holiday.

Talking of holiday's and before I end this blog I am delighted to show you Lower Margate's new video. I have been lucky enough to stay there, and am returning in January when hopefully I will get snowed in, and wont be able to return for a month! I must remember to take my sewing machine, a huge stack of material, plenty of food, my husband, and my laptop!

Looking forward to more frequent blogs, enjoy the video.