Everything else

The Cake, and Indian Runner Duck clip.

Quite a few of you have asked me for the cake recipe in  mondays blog, called Spiced Apple Cake. As you know we are all going to be snowed in this weekend (I wish!) so you all need to bake one for emergency supplies, or two or three! Obviously if it doesn't snow you can eat all of the cake as a kind of conciliation prize!

This Weekend

It's been cold but no snow! A visit to Wickham Mill provided a nice old shaker stool to paint, and  J'adore la maison and Tom supplied some Chalk Board paint, the Chalk board is now up and running if not a little empty at the moment, thank go to you both, I wasn't sure about it but now love it, I'm sure it will make very interesting reading over the coming months!

I've lost my a! Have you got it?

I'm not a gadget person, I'm not, but there are a few things that I would really really miss if I lost them or they broke. My Apple laptop which I have loved for a very long time, I have been known to sit and stroke it, It goes wherever I go, sadly I probably need a newer one. My camera, it's not flash in fact it's a bit broken and is held together with a hair band! I like the feel of it, it has become part of me and has been on lots of travels, I probably need a new one.