So near but so far! Thank you ladies.

Whilst visiting Lyme Regis last Friday we passed a rather nice place called The Boat House, "do you have a mobile phone" came a pleading voice from an upstairs window, yes we replied, then a rather bizarre 10 mins unfolded. It would seem the lady hanging out of the window and her daughter  had locked themselves in their holiday cottage. We had a set of keys lowered down to us and we tried to unlock the rather lovely green coloured door, but we had no luck. We then rang the owner from the number on the holiday brochure, the lady at the window said "you must come in and have a drink once you have saved us", now at this point I became interested, I could tell it would be rather lovely inside and I love a good nosey!

A rather confusing conversation on the phone took place between us and the owner of the cottage who's name was Ray which just happens to be my husbands. "Which way is the dead lock facing" he asked, ummmmm we are on the outside of the cottage we told him, and from then on it got worse!

Eventually after a lot of instructions on dead lock opening the damsel's were still in distress, so yet another phone call was made and a man in a van was despatched out  to us to sort out the door. Great I thought, here we go I will soon be inside drinking tea and having a good look around for my efforts!

No such luck, as soon as they were let out they quickly went back in with a cheery wave and not so much as a sniff of promised drink or good old gawp!

So I had to settle for  hunting them down on the internet, damn I would have liked a sit down in this lovely cottage, oh well!

Take a closer look at the Boat House by clicking here

And remember ladies, if you get stuck in again, don't call me!