Lack of blogs and the small matter of a self published book

I apologise for the lack of blogs since Christmas, life has just got in the way I'm afraid.

I hope to make up for this starting from now, with our last 6 day excuse for not blogging.

Remember 'Get shit done' well get shit done we have, take a look at this linkto remind yourself of the kickstarter campaign that my eldest son Sam launched a few months ago to get his 'I wonder what it's like to be dyslexic' book self published.

To cut a long story short, and lots of time and effort organising everything, the book was indeed published. As of Tuesday 4th February the enormous amount of books and posters were sent out via our home. We were turned into the Barclay distribution centre for six days. It had its fare share of ups and downs, but we all survived, and are still talking to each other!

I will never again think that something on this scale is easy, even the smallest thing such as taping a poster tube to a book package takes considerable amounts of effort when done on a huge scale.

We are very proud of our sons for the effort taken to get this book out there especially in the last six days, however we will make sure if it happens again that we will be in a hotel somewhere out of the U.K! (only joking, or are we?)

Can't wait to see what people think about the book, we think it's amazing, but I guess we don't count as we are biased.

So here are the photo's of the last six days, I think we have taken our parenting skills to a whole new level, and we thought doing their paper rounds when they were ill was hard work!


The arrival of the packaging


The books and posters arrive soon after the packaging


Numerous rolls of tape were needed, 26 to be exact!


The oh so beautiful book


and posters


Even the Barclay cat played a part, stroking a cat is very calming in times of stress.


Our house was turned into the Barclay distribution centre


When you leave the spare tape in the chest of drawers at the back of the conservatory it becomes a problem unless you're a gymnast!


It's been a long time since I worked in an office!


The books, one step closer to getting to their owners

photo copy
photo copy

Two very tired men having not slept for 48 hours, on the last leg of getting the books out to the world.


If you have bought a book I hope you love it as much as we do, maybe for its design, or maybe for its message to everyone about what its like to be dyslexic.

If you would still like a copy there are a few left on the reedeeng website.

As for us we are all having a sleep with not a cardboard box or a reel of cellotape in sight.

Well done Sam


And a big thank you to everyone who helped over the last 6 days.

So what's next?