
We have been to cornwall a few times now, the trip is on good roads if you time it right, we have never been in August and probably never will, its too busy for us then.

We have done the children part of our life, so no longer have to go in the busy school holiday periods.

I'll share with you our route to cornwall with great stop off guides, of course this is coming from the Southampton area but you could pick it up from Honiton in Devon.

We start off early and stop off at Poundbury for breakfast at Town mill bakery, Poundbury is an odd place but nice for a stop and not busy, with the added bonus of being able to pull up anywhere with no parking charges, so it adds to the holiday laid back mood.

It is of course the town that Prince Charles planned, I like it, but it's just odd, it's eerily quiet, a bit like a town in a western film but much more refined.


There are a few nice shops to nose in including a quilt shop.

Then off we go until we hit Honiton, we park in the car park which is situated next to the Thelma Hubert Gallery which is always worth a look in, with really friendly staff.

Then lunch is in Toast, a really lovely cafe with seats outside if its nice weather, the food is good and the service has always been great even in busy times.


There are a few nice antique shops and galleries, plus all the usual shops if you have forgotten anything for your weeks stay in Cornwall.

Carrying on for about an hour we come off the A30  and head towards Launceston, the home of Cowslip worshops which is of course the most amazing quilt shop/cafe set on a farm.


If you have men with you sit them down in the beautiful cafe with a book or a newspaper where they will be well looked after. The food is delicious, and again if its nice there is plenty of seating outside in the grounds overlooking beautiful countryside and Jo the owners lovely garden.

The quilt shop is just amazing, even if you are not a sewer I urge you to look in you may be converted.

Then back on the A30  to your destination, most people can't get into holiday homes until 4pm so this is a great way to fill in your day without hassle, you will have seen some interesting things and been well fed and watered along the way.