We have searched long and hard for some items to go in our shop alongside our quilts and cushions. Our criteria was a company that wouldn't let us down and liked small business's, the items had to be of good quality, handmade, ethical and eco friendly, and, here is the biggy, something we would love in our own homes (we are a bit on the fussy side!)
Nkuku fits our bill perfectly and to date we are more than happy with them. We are hopeful that you will enjoy the style, many of our customers already have, and are eagerly waiting for new items. We will update our shop as soon as we can, so keep looking as many items have been sold quite quickly. If you are local to us we are more than happy to let you shop from our catalogue, which for a small returnable deposit you may borrow overnight or a weekend if you prefer, so that you can choose from the comfort of your own home.
We believe that the items you purchase will become a firm favourite, they certainly have in ours.
Here are a few words from the Nkuku owners.
At Nkuku (Nuh-ku-ku), we create beautifully handmade home and lifestyle products. We work with artisans throughout the world, combining timeless design with traditional skills and natural materials. Whether it's the makers distinctive style, the character of the piece, or the inspiration behind it's origins, there's always more to tell than meets the eye. We meet and work with all our makers personally. That's how we know that every product has a story to tell.
Getting back to our own shop, we have a few Nkuku lines which you can find by clicking on this link www.karenbarclay.com/shop and until we purchase new stock here is a sneak peak at what you can expect. We love the fact that someone has been trained to make the items and that it has helped them to have a better life style, that's apart from the fact that we really really love all the items ourselves. I was lucky enough to go and see all the beautiful Nkuku stock in a gorgeous old barn setting, very very exciting and inspiring.