Dreaming of a White Christmas - well white and terracotta!!


As I sit writing this I am trying to ignore the banging and crashing coming from my decimated kitchen which is in the process of a re-fit. I know it will be lovely when it is finished but living in one room downstairs which is covered in plaster dust with a mad labradoodle, also covered in plaster dust, is a touch trying at times.

To sustain myself and preserve some sanity i have taken to daydreaming! I am lucky enough to have a dresser in my new kitchen and I know these beautiful ceramics will look fabulous on it.

So that's the dresser sorted, now about the chairs! Definitely the Hungarian sack cushions to give that beautiful rustic look i am trying to create.



And for that lovely cosy feel with a little bit of Christmas thrown in, I think I shall fill the windowsill with these beautiful star lanterns which will look stunning when lit.


As a final decorative touch I shall fill one of our Decorative Hanging Racks with mini vintage Christmas baubles.



I have a long way to go but when I get there I will ask Karen to take some photographs and we will share our ideas with you. Until then I shall continue to daydream and live in denial!!

